Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Last night, the construction team learned a valuable lesson. Here's what Chris S., V.P. of Construction had to say:

"Apparently, when you assemble a table on the floor, if the floor isn't level, the table won't be flat. This will cause a minor kink in our efforts. It is too late to correct the problem on the nearly-complete Table 3, but future tables will be assembled on a different, (hopefully) more level floor."

More as it develops.


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This is the official source for all things BCRR. Here you will find updates, photos, and exclusive interviews with the staff at BCRR! You can also create an account and post questions for anybody here at BCRR, from the lowly spike driver all the way up to the Big Cheese himself!

So stay tuned for our next update, coming soon to an internet near you,