Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Morning Update

For those of you who might be thinking we haven't gotten anything done on the railroad in quite some time, allow me to clear something up for you:

We haven't.

Due to the mishap surrounding the track planning for the grain co-op spur, our contract with the co-op had to be renegotiated. Under the new terms, BCRR is required to compensate the co-op for lost revenue by providing labor crews for the construction of grain handling equipment. Since we are waiting on supplies, we have elected to employ our track gang at the co-op. They are making excellent progress. Whenever more track supplies arrive, we expect to reassign the track gang and possibly outsource labor on behalf of the BCGC.

More as it develops.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekly Update

Here's what happened this weekend on the BCRR this weekend:

More as it develops.