Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wolf River, Bridged Version


Our prefabricated bridge finally arrived! Due to legal constraints, photography was not allowed during the transportation or installation phases. Once the crews cleared the scene, however, we were able to move and show off this marvel of modern technology.

Quite literally, a bridge over troubled water!
Supply and Acquisitions was happy to report that we received a deep discount due to a structural defect in the bridge the vendor's desire to enhance our service experience. We have been assured that the defect will probably cause the bridge to collapse bridge has been manufactured to the highest quality and safety standards.

We apologize for the blurred image. It's hard to hold a photographer steady when he's on the end of a fishing pole.
With only minor alterations, the bridge set into the abutments snugly, and pose a serious risk of collapse should stand firm for decades to come. We are excited to lay track across it and see what happens get freight moving safely across the Wolf River.

The paint crew soon moved in and painted the abutments Drizzle Grey. However, they seem to have turned a bluish hue sometime after. This is indicative of severe structural instability remains a mystery.

Grey is actually blue. Who knew?
A random observer (name forgotten withheld) was quoted as saying, "Maybe they shouldn't hire painters that are color blind." 

In response, Chris S., VP of Construction said, "Poppycock! There's bluish concrete all over the world! Just hold your breath when you look at it! It'll turn blue! Or you'll turn blue! Whatever. Point is, there's gonna be blue involved!"
Do us all a favor and pretend you don't see any tracks in this image. Thank you.
Well, you know what they say: "All's blue that ends blue."

More as it develops.