Monday, November 11, 2013

Tragedy! And other everyday occurrences.

While work has been progressing relatively nicely, there can be no victory without sacrifice. Earlier this week, a tragic accident befell our intrepid crew. While working with a Portable High Temperature Metallic Fusion Enabler, a crewman made contact with the wrong part of the device, suffering severe burns.
A Portable High Temperature Metallic Fusion Enabler. Notice it has a hot end, and a not hot end.
Emergency crews were called to the scene in short order. The crewman's injuries appeared worse than they actually were. What appeared at first to be charred flesh was actually transferred oil from the fusion enabler. The wounds were cleaned, disinfected, and bandaged. 
A rare glimpse at what "stupid" actually looks like.
 A brief investigation determined the cause of the accident to be sheer stupidity. The crewman's hand is expected to make a full recovery. His pride, however, may never play the fiddle again.
24 hours after the accident.
In light of this tragic tragedy, The Powers That Be saw fit to hire a new shop foreman! Dan Bob brings with him a budding interest in tiny railroads, a flourishing education in the electrical and mechanical fields, his own Portable High Temperature Metallic Fusion Enabler, and, perhaps most importantly, his own health insurance policy! We were unable to interview him for this release, as he is busy settling into his role as shop foreman. We will make our best efforts to snag a quote from him as soon as he shows up at the shop again.

More as it develops.

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