Monday, April 21, 2014

Another R&D Success?

I've just been handed a memo that states the R&D Department will begin experimenting with the gravity field resequencer sometime last summer.

These rails appear to have divorced the roadbed.
Their experiments have resulted in some sort of gravity resistant rail head.

"In hindsight, we probably should have set the floaty ones aside from the regular ones. Or maybe marked them or something, I don't know. Too late now," Dan Bob stated in an internal memo. 

It goes without saying that levitating railroad tracks could pose potentially problematic for future operations. We dispatched the best and brightest of the track gang to solve the potential problem.

Crews find themselves at a loss for words. Or actions.
BCRR crews tried everything they could think of to bring the rails back to Earth, including but not limited to, standing, jumping, yelling, sitting, marriage counseling, fatherly advice, bribery, thinly veiled threats, and general tomfoolery, all to no effect.

Ride 'em, cowboy!
After days or possibly hours of trying, crews were ready to give up.

Testing the tourist attraction potential.
Time to call in the heavy artillery! This time we needed the expertise of Larry, Daryl, Darrel of Larry, Daryl, and Darrel's Gravitic Field Resequencing! They arrived in their newly acquired hi-rail truck in short order, and assessed the scene.
"How did you pull this off?!"
While we would normally stay and document the entire repair process with hundreds of still photos, video clips, interviews, interactive video schematics, and other such quality reporting techniques, but the equipment used to realign the universe would interfere with any and all recording equipment. That, and we were hungry for all you could eat flapjacks at the diner. We're gonna go ahead and assume everything is going good at the jobsite.

More as it develops.

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