Monday, April 2, 2012

Lab Report 4/2/2012

Here's a report from the R&D department.

"Our preliminary adhesive tests are complete. When attempting to adhere our Woodland Scenics Track Bed to our Styrofoam subroadbed, we tested the adhesive qualities of DAP Woodweld Carpenter's Wood Glue alongside Colorplace Clear All-purpose Silicon Sealant.

After 1 hour, the wood glue exhibited little to no tack. The silicon sealant exhibited strong tack, showing great promise.

After 24 hours, the wood glue had not dried and had no tack. The silicon had set up sufficiently but provided very little tack and released the test piece with little effort.

We have on hand a tube of Liquid Nails project adhesive and a tube of Loctite PL300 Foamboard adhesive. We will not conduct a test on the Liquid Nails, as it is not recommended for foam to foam adhesion. We will begin testing the Loctite as soon as the lab is cleared of screaming toddlers."

More as it develops.

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