Thursday, April 19, 2012

We apologize

for the lack of updates. Things have been increasingly rough around the BCRR as of late. About 60% of the surveying (marking track lines) has been completed. Unexpected difficulties have driven the design team back to their desks to reevaluate the overall blueprint. What was "plenty of room" on the blueprint turned out to be a severely tight fit on the workbench.

Disputes between BCRR staff and the local grain co-op have halted all progress. Major disputes involve clearance regulation and setback requirements. Management on both sides are keeping a tight lid on proceedings.

In other news, recent changes to the blogger format mean that anyone should be able to post comments without first registering with blogger! We look forward to your feedback, and ask that you please post your name or initials with anonymous posts so we can have some small idea from whence our feedback doth spring.

More as it develops.

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