Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hooray for dirt!

The recent infusion of Christmas money has breathed new life into the Beecher City Railroad!

With the removal of Chucky and Hayato the Ninja Mouse (who is still missing), our crews have been working with less mortal fear and more peanut butter. This renewed vigor has led to rapid completion of roadbed laying operations and most pre-track right-of-way work. Completion of roadbed preparation (photo lost in the Great Chicago fire) has paved the way, literally, for the next big project:


Forced to outsource the job, today we brought in Larry, Daryl, and Darrel, from Larry, Daryl, and Darrel's Dirt, local experts in moving massive amounts of Hat Box Brown dirt.

Meet Larry, Daryl, and Darrel. These guys know dirt!
With only minimal persuasion, they set to work. When they say "local experts in moving massive amounts of Hat Box Brown dirt," they mean three guys that are really really good at relocating copious quantities of Hat Box Brown dirt!
Go, guys, go!
It seemed like only an hour before they were celebrating the completion of the job.
In truth, it took approximately 60 minutes.
With only minimal persuasion, they packed up their equipment and headed home. Congratulations on a job well done, men! Cream sodas for everybody!

Should he be driving that on the road?
With the dirt in place, we are now prepared to begin laying track! Please, try to contain your excitement. We hope to bring you another groundbreaking update next Saturday. Before we go, let me pose a question. Does anybody have an idea what Chucky was up to in the workshop before INS deported him? Our investigative team went in to do whatever an investigative team does and has not been heard from since. We are open to theories. Leave your comments below.

More as it develops.

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