Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Intercepted email

Here in Public Relations we have acquired a copy of an email sent from President/CEO Chris Sipe to Jeff S.

"FROM: Christopher Sipe <>
TO: Jeff S------ <>
SUBJECT: RE: missed you Sunday
March 28, 2012 8:22am

Oh yeah. Forgot all about it. Been so busy with work I haven't had time to do anything on the railroad.

I've had a couple ideas about this curve thing. One was to cut out a couple of half circles of cardboard (so much cheaper and easier to handle) to use as guides. One would be 22" radius and the other would be 24".

Another idea was to just one guide shaped kind of like a C, with the inner curve 22" and the outer 24" but I'm afraid that would be hard to line up with the lines from the tangen track.

A third idea I had that would work in conjuncture with the other two is to add a little straight lead-in piece to each guide, making the half circle more of a tombstone shape and the C more of a U. That way I could just line up the lead-in pieces with the lines from the tangent track, draw the curve extending beyond the end of the actual curve, draw the next tangent line, then erase or disregard the excess curve line.

I expect this to be the second most difficult task I'm facing, next to the original track planning stage."

Who is this mysterious Jeff? What "work" is the President and CEO of the Beecher City Railroad doing that keeps him from the railroad? Does his loyalty lie elsewhere? What could this mean for the future of the company? We can only speculate at this point. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

More as it develops.

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