Saturday, March 3, 2012

Progress Update

Table 2 has been completed!

Ready (ish) for track!

"Table 2 didn't go as well as expected, but it certainly went better than Table 3!" Chris S., VP of construction said in his press release. "With table 2, we encountered setbacks and frustrations no one expected. Between alien attacks (just kidding), the foreman breaking his new glasses, numerous phone calls, strangers delivering envelops full of cash (not kidding), and various mishaps on the job, we had a very interesting time with this one."

Thankfully, the boss broke his glasses and couldn't see our error. Can you?

"As we move forward with Table 4 construction, we hope for no mishaps or mistakes this time. And if anyone else wants to drop off large sums of cash, we are always accepting operational donations!"

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