Thursday, March 8, 2012

Labor problems abound: Construction at a standstill

(To my readers in Russia, Kak vy pozhivayetye!)

Labor problems on the BCRR have caused delays in the construction process. We sat down with Christoph, VP of Human Resources, to discuss the growing problem.

"Lately, there have been a lot of personnel problems popping up. Workplace injuries, schedule conflicts, illness, you name it, we seem to have it. Being a union shop causes its share of complications as well. Supplies are flowing in as expected, the skilled labor just isn't there. Railroads don't build themselves. We have to get this figured out soon if we are to make any forward progress. After the upcoming convention, we (the management) intend to start cracking the whip, both figuratively and literally, if need be. We WILL get this thing built."

There you have it, folks. More as it develops.

(Do svidaniya!)

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