Saturday, March 3, 2012

Progress Report

Table 3 has been completed!

"We have reached our first major milestone here at the Beecher City Railroad!" said Chris S., VP of construction, in a press release. "We've encountered bumps and hurdles along the way, but we got there. I believe the hardest part was not getting mad when things didn't go as planned. We've had to make some unexpected concessions, some normal, (grid not quite level) some downright absurd (pre-drilling pilot holes for NAILS?!) but with a little perseverance and a lot of coffee, we muddled through."

Table 2 in it's final form

Chris muses on the problems encountered. "What we must remember is that we are all learning as we go here. The mistakes and frustrations that occurred during the construction of table 3 will be the experiences that make table 2 that much higher quality. By the time we begin building the bridge unit, I expect we will have mastered this whole "work" thing!"

Table 3 legs

No time for celebration, it seems. "As much as we would all like to kick back with cold Sam Adams (or six) to celebrate,we have deadlines to meet. Construction of table 2 is scheduled to begin immediately."

Sorry, Mr. Adams, we got work to do!

Well said, sir. Well said.

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